There's definitely a line to be drawn in worrying about what other people think. Decisions shouldn't be based entirely off of the opinion of others, but at the same time, I don't think it's right to completely disregard their opinions.
So how do you know where you should draw that line? Where's the balance?
What do you do when you feel that the decision you've made is just fine, but someone that you respect doesn't seem to feel the same way? You can't just blow it off; that relationship matters to you. What they think is important. But when it doesn't match up with what you think, where do you go from there?
People can change. You can't hold their past over them forever, that's not fair. How can you even pretend that you have anything resembling a relationship when you're doing that to them? Could you really be trying to protect people, or would you just be dragging them into the problems between you two? It's not fair to them to feel like they have to choose.
I meant to start this blog with something awkward/funny (hence the title), but I guess I'm not in the mood.
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